After two years of the pandemic, delegates from the Südwest-FDP are meeting for the first time in a large group for the state party conference. The focus is on the nuclear power debate.

Fellbach (dpa / lsw) – The FDP wants to campaign for the continued operation of nuclear power plants at the state party conference in Fellbach (Rems-Murr district) on Thursday (10 a.m.). The main proposal for the meeting revolves around proposed solutions for a secure energy supply. The FDP is in favor of tapping different sources of energy – including nuclear power, liquid gas and renewable energies.

“As long as the geopolitical situation has not eased, the nuclear power plants should run,” said state chairman Michael Theurer at the presentation of the program on Wednesday. He does not expect the situation to change significantly before 2030.

In an additional application, the Rhein-Neckar district association demands specific annual figures for the continued operation of nuclear power plants. According to this, the federal government should extend the operating times of nuclear power plants until 2026. The fuel elements that would have to be procured again for continued operation could therefore be used for that long.

The party conference should also deal with an electoral law reform that the FDP/DVP parliamentary group under parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke had proposed. The parliamentary group is calling for the number of constituencies in Baden-Württemberg to be reduced in order to prevent “bloating in the state parliament”. There are fewer direct mandates and therefore fewer MPs in the state parliament.