Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Men are allowed to go to the swimming pool without a top, but not women? For some members of the Southwest FDP, the obligation to cover the upper part of the body for women is absurd. The Young Liberals in particular are calling for the abolition of different clothing requirements for men and women in swimming pools. They submit a corresponding application for the FDP state party conference in Fellbach on Thursday, with which they call for the end of unequal treatment of women.

It is currently not the most urgent issue, said FDP country leader Michael Theurer, who wants to focus primarily on energy policy at the party conference in Fellbach (Rems-Murr district), the German Press Agency on Wednesday. But Theurer also said that he would never have bothered: “I wouldn’t mind.”

However, the application with the heading “Free the nipples” will probably not be discussed at all – the number of applications is too large and there is not enough time, said FDP State Secretary Judith Skudelny on Wednesday. It is a very provocative subject. But the debate must be held urgently, said Skudelny. “Everyone has to be able to swim how they want to.”