Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – After complaints about the Breisgau S-Bahn in the greater Freiburg area, travelers should permanently get better service. “It is now important to win back the confidence of passengers and to achieve improvements step by step,” said Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann (Greens) on Monday, as his ministry announced.

There is now a so-called future commission for the Breisgau S-Bahn, in which, among others, the Freiburg Regio-Nahverkehr Zweckverband is involved. “Our common goal must be to be able to set the clock after the S-Bahn,” Hermann demanded.

At the end of 2019, the so-called Breisgau East-West network was launched as part of the Breisgau S-Bahn 2020 project with new vehicles and modern stations. According to the DB Regio Baden-Württemberg, trains run to Villingen in the Black Forest and to Breisach am Rhein, among other places. According to information from the beginning of the year, there were quality problems on some sections of the route. Passengers complained about the lack of capacity in trains.