Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – In the fight against excessive bureaucracy in Baden-Württemberg, the first steps of the announced “master plan” for a new administration are to be presented by the end of the year. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) announced this on Thursday in the state parliament in Stuttgart. The green-black coalition has already promised the “master plan” for reducing bureaucracy in its coalition agreement. Minister of State Florian Stegmann (Greens) is responsible for reducing bureaucracy in the government.

“The state must become faster and more effective so that we can remain at eye level with the challenges of the time,” said Kretschmann and added: “We have to shed the excessive shackles that we have put on ourselves. And we need less prevention culture and more enabling culture.” It is important to have a few understandable rules that are then enforced and that are based on the needs of those affected. “We will publish a first version at the end of the year,” said Kretschmann at the “master plan”.

The Green politician has repeatedly stated that reducing bureaucracy is extremely important in order to survive in global competition. The country must speed up processes, otherwise Germany will fall behind as a business location. As an example, Kretschmann repeatedly cites the expansion of renewable energies, which is being slowed down by bureaucratic hurdles.