Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The state is funding research into the long-term consequences of a corona infection and autopsies of vaccine and corona deaths with 12.7 million euros. This was announced by the Ministry of Science of the German Press Agency. It’s about “help for people suffering from Long Covid, more effective therapies and a better understanding of why therapies don’t work or complications with vaccinations occur,” said Science Minister Theresia Bauer (Greens). Scientific findings, including new technologies, are urgently needed to combat the pandemic and its effects.

According to the ministry, around every fourth patient suffers from significant symptoms that affect health and the ability to work six to twelve months after an infection. Autopsy-based research also contributes to a better understanding of treatment failure, especially in the case of newly occurring variants or possible vaccination complications.

At the university clinics in the southwest, corona dead have been autopsied for a long time in order to better understand the disease. The state supported the Covid autopsy research of the five university pathologies in the southwest from August 2020 to the end of 2021 with around 1.8 million euros. The ministry announced that the research area would now be expanded. Autopsies should also be carried out in the case of deaths as a result of vaccination complications. “More research and transparency also help to further strengthen people’s confidence in vaccination,” said Bauer.