Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – In view of the energy crisis and high prices, more and more people in the southwest are very concerned about the economic situation and social cohesion in the country. At the same time, trust in the work of the state government made up of the Greens and the CDU has fallen sharply. This is the result of a survey by Infratest dimap on behalf of SWR and “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, which was published on Thursday.

Accordingly, three quarters of people (74 percent) are very worried or even very worried when they think about economic development. This is an increase of 22 percentage points compared to the April survey. 78 percent of those surveyed see social cohesion in the country threatened, 14 points more than in spring.

The government of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) is slipping in reputation: Only 44 percent of those surveyed are satisfied, in April it was 57 percent. In the Sunday question, the AfD is the main beneficiary. It gains 4 points and would come to 13 percent. The Greens would continue to be the strongest force with 27 percent, which is a minus of one point. The CDU remains at 26 percent, the SPD at 15 percent. The FDP loses 2 points and ends up behind the AfD with 9 percent.