Munich (dpa/lby) – Bavaria’s Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) warns of the AfD becoming stronger in view of the state elections, as this could favor government participation by the Greens. “The stronger the AfD becomes, the more likely it is that the Greens will come into government. You can now see that in almost all other federal states,” said the Free Voters boss of the Bayern media group (Thursday). A new state parliament will be elected in Bavaria on October 8th.

A strong AfD prevents middle-class majorities, said Aiwanger, emphasizing: “The free voters must continue to be the voice of the people and must not allow themselves to be banned from thinking or speaking in the event of undesirable developments such as uncontrolled immigration.” However, Bavaria’s Economics Minister does not fear that the CSU could form a coalition with the Greens instead of the Free Voters after the state elections. “There would be no majority for that within the CSU either. They now see that they are better off with us than without or against us.”