Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – In the dispute over the collective agreement for the public sector, around 700 employees of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) demonstrated in Nuremberg on Tuesday. With a warning strike, they wanted to express their anger at the start of the negotiations, as a spokesman for the dbb civil servants’ union and collective bargaining union announced on Tuesday.

At the federal agency and in the job centers, the citizen benefit reform had to be tackled in a hurry, said dbb tariff chief Volker Geyer. “But far too little is invested in the staff.” A separate company tariff applies to the employees of the BA. It is usually based on the results of the collective agreement for the public service.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Employment Agency pointed out on Tuesday that the company collective agreement had been terminated by the union at the end of last year. Now it is a matter of waiting for the negotiations for the public service.

Verdi and the civil servants’ association dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more for the approximately 2.5 million employees in the public sector. The term should be twelve months. The Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA) had described the demands as “unaffordable” before the start of the negotiations. After the first round of negotiations on Tuesday last week in Potsdam, the trade unions and employers adjourned without finding anything. The talks are scheduled to continue on February 22nd and 23rd – the probably crucial third round of negotiations is planned for the end of March.