Munich (dpa/lby) – Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann (CSU), approved a ruling by the administrative court in Regensburg, according to which the AfD member of the state parliament, Ralf Stadler, did not get his gun ownership card back. “Weapons have no place in the hands of criminals,” said the minister on Wednesday in Munich. The court ruling confirms the consistent action taken by the Bavarian authorities against people who are unsuitable for gun ownership.
Stadler failed on Tuesday with a lawsuit before the administrative court in Regensburg, with which he wanted to get his gun license back. Authorities confiscated these after Stadler accepted a penalty order from the Munich district court for 60 daily rates in 2020. The background was a photomontage by Stadler from 2019, with which he slandered Ilse Aigner, President of the State Parliament, according to the court ruling.
Minister Herrmann said: “Even members of parliament for the AfD have to abide by the law. Violent provocations that go beyond the limits of criminal law no longer have anything to do with political discourse. Weapons have no place in the hands of people who disregard our legal system .” Gun law draws clear boundaries that are consistently implemented by the authorities. This is an important contribution to the safety of everyone.
According to a spokesman, the Regensburg judges pointed out that, according to the legislation, a person who has been sentenced to a fine of at least 60 daily rates for an intentional crime usually lacks the reliability required by firearms law. There is no need for the criminal offense to be related to gun law.