Munich (dpa / lby) – The Association of Bavarian Business (vbw) is pushing for a rapid expansion of all renewable energies – and explicitly warns the state government of a “speed limit” for wind power. “If the energy crisis is the mother of all current crises, then the energy transition is the mother of all crisis solutions,” said vbw President Wolfram Hatz on Wednesday after joint consultations between the vbw and CSU presidiums in Munich. He was glad that work was being done at full speed on the conversion of the energy system in Bavaria, he said, but emphasized: “In our view, there should be no speed limit here – for all renewables, including wind power.”

The state government has now relaxed the very strict minimum distance rule (10H) for the construction of new wind turbines. For many critics, however, these easing do not go far enough. The vbw has also long been calling for an even greater departure from the 10H rule.

CSU boss and Prime Minister Markus Söder had previously emphasized: “Bavaria is big on renewable energies.” The expansion is on schedule, “development is progressing”. He again called on the federal government to promote all energy sources equally, including hydropower.

A relaxed version of the 10H distance rule has been in effect in Bavaria since mid-November. In certain cases, new systems can now be built at a minimum distance of 1000 meters from residential areas, for example in a corridor along motorways, in the forest or around commercial areas. Previously, a distance of ten times the height was prescribed – but this could also be deviated from.

In addition, the vbw is pushing for a boost in housing construction. One cannot bring specialists to Bavaria without being able to offer them a reasonable roof over their heads, said Hatz. The “housing booster” announced by the state government in January is therefore very welcome. “We need the apartments for the people, but we also need them for Bavaria as a business location.”