Karlstadt/Würzburg (dpa/lby) – In the middle of the night, an armed man rages in a house in Lower Franconia: A good six months after the alleged kidnapping of a woman in Karlstadt (Main-Spessart district), the Würzburg public prosecutor’s office has brought charges. In addition to taking hostages, the suspect is also accused of insult and threats. However, the man has not yet commented on this. According to the authority, the district court of Würzburg must now decide whether to admit the indictment.

The accused is said to have had his then 52-year-old victim in his power for a good eight hours in February. According to prosecutors, he was armed at the time of the crime and had been using alcohol and drugs. The reason for the freak out of the 23-year-old from Lower Saxony could have been the separation from his partner, who lived in the apartment building and was not the 52-year-old. Nobody was seriously injured at the time.

A special task force was also on site during the deployment in Karlstadt. The man armed with a larger knife had rioted in the house in the old town, among other things. After the first police patrol arrived, according to investigators, he threatened the 52-year-old. The fire brigade, mountain rescue service and height rescue service were also called because the police feared that the man could fall from the roof.

After hours of negotiations, the suspect was finally arrested on the roof of the house without resistance. Since then he has been in custody.

The police had noticed the man before the crime, but not because of a violent or drug-related crime. The proceedings were discontinued under juvenile criminal law.