Munich (dpa / lby) – Bavaria’s anti-Semitism officer Ludwig Spaenle has called for the criticism of Jewish students of the play “Birds” at the Munich Metropoltheater to be taken seriously. The Research and Information Center for Antisemitism (RIAS) in Bavaria also called for an examination of antisemitism in the production.

The Jewish Student Union Germany and the Association of Jewish Students in Bavaria had announced that they consider the Munich performance of Wajdi Mouawad’s play to be anti-Semitic. It makes “Holocaust relativization and Israel-related anti-Semitism socially acceptable,” they wrote in an open letter.

Spaenle said he considers the allegations serious. “A renowned theater must exercise the necessary sensitivity with such a production,” said the CSU politician on Tuesday. A comprehensive analysis seems sensible and appropriate.

According to RIAS Bayern, the performance in the Munich theater contains anti-Semitic statements that are to be understood in the light of the work’s anti-Israel thrust. However, the knee-jerk defense against criticism prevents a substantive discussion.

Intendant and director Jochen Schölch had rejected the attacks and declared that “Vögel” was one of the most frequently performed contemporary plays. “It’s seen everywhere as a play of the moment and referred to as the modern day ‘Nathan the Wise,'” he said. The quotes given by the student associations were taken out of context. The former mayor of Munich, Christian Ude (SPD), had also defended the production. He is chairman of the circle of friends of the theater.