Munich/Passau (dpa/lby) – Bavaria’s Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) rejects the renewed closing of schools in response to a possible upcoming corona autumn wave. “School not only as a place of learning, but as a social place, is too important for us to get involved in school closures across the board again. The maxim is face-to-face teaching,” said Piazolo of the Bayern media group, to which titles such as “Donaukurier” or “Passauer Neue Press” (Wednesday edition).

In addition, corona measures in the school should be in harmony with the restrictions outside. “We cannot celebrate at a Oktoberfest with almost six million visitors without taking measures while strict rules apply to the schools,” he said, referring to the Munich Oktoberfest. “People would rightly no longer understand that, so the measures need to be consistent,” said Piazolo.

The minister stressed that the school building’s energy supply had to be absolutely guaranteed. The face-to-face lessons must be able to take place in illuminated and heated classrooms. “No students should have to sit in the dark and freeze – despite all the effort that may cost,” he emphasized.

Bavaria’s school system continues to suffer from a lack of teachers. 1620 posts have been approved by the finance minister. “However, it is important to find the right people for it,” said Piazolo. There is a great need for staff, especially in middle and elementary schools. “That’s why we’re trying to encourage part-time teachers to voluntarily increase their working hours. Or to encourage retirees to return to school,” he said. Student teachers should also help out.

Another challenge is the integration of the current 27,500 Ukrainian students. “In the coming school year there will be a few more, because then at the latest compulsory schooling will take effect,” said Piazolo. In primary schools, the children should be integrated into regular classes. At secondary schools, bridge classes should be set up, with a focus on German as a second language.