Schweinfurt (dpa / lby) – According to a psychiatric expert, a young man accused of murder was fully culpable when killing an acquaintance. The medical director of the hospital for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine Schloss Werneck, Hans-Peter Volz, said on Wednesday before the district court of Schweinfurt. “I rate the risk of recidivism with regard to the perpetrator as medium to high – also with regard to serious crimes.”

Volz nevertheless recommended a conviction under juvenile criminal law. The accused showed dissocial tendencies, but did not act in an emotional state, but acted in a cold-blooded and purposeful manner.

At the start of the trial at the end of September, the 19-year-old confessed to having stabbed his 26-year-old friend in Bad Neustadt/Saale, Lower Franconia, last November. The prosecution suspects a dispute over alleged debts as the motive, the suspect himself has said nothing about this so far.

The public prosecutor accuses another defendant of murder. The 21-year-old is said to have been privy to the 19-year-old’s plans. The young man says he didn’t know anything about his friend’s intention to kill him. The third defendant, also 21, is charged with being an accessory to murder. All three suspects are German nationals.