Munich (dpa / lby) – Bavarian municipalities are not allowed to levy local overnight taxes for hotel guests. The coalition of CSU and Free Voters pushed through a corresponding change in the municipal tax law on Thursday with its majority in the state parliament – despite loud criticism from the city council. The state government has thus made good on its announcement to prevent the introduction of a bed tax in the state capital of Munich. Munich’s Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) had already announced in advance that he wanted to take legal action.

It was only on Wednesday that the Munich city council decided to introduce an overnight stay tax for hotel guests. Specifically, it is about five percent that hotel guests of full age should pay on top of their overnight stay in the future – but not on additional offers such as breakfast or sauna. In other cities in Germany there has been such an overnight stay tax for a long time.

Immediately after the Munich plans became known, the state government announced that it wanted to legally prevent the introduction of the tax.