Munich (dpa / lby) – After several cancellations due to illness, Andrea Tandler, one of the key figures in the mask affair, appeared before the investigative committee of the Bavarian state parliament on Wednesday, but, as expected, refused to testify. The daughter of the former CSU General Secretary Gerold Tandler only gave personal information. She is said to have received millions in commissions for arranging mask shops at the beginning of the corona pandemic.

The committee chairman Winfried Bausback (CSU) also took up this in his introductory question to the 39-year-old: In a phase in which many others had worked voluntarily to the point of exhaustion, according to media reports, she “collected” high commissions for a mask business. said Bausback. Can you say anything related to that? However, Tandler said nothing to the question – her lawyer immediately referred to her right to refuse to testify.

Tandler is being investigated because of an initial suspicion of trade tax fraud. A spokesman for Tandler said some time ago that the lawyers expected that after the first trial had been discontinued, “all the other allegations would also prove to be unfounded.” Tandler and her partner rejected “all allegations raised in public”.