Munich (dpa / lby) – After a police operation because of a blank gun in the lecture hall, there is now a ban on weapons at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich. The university announced that the house rules had been changed for this purpose. After the incident at the beginning of November, legal questions relating to a possible ban were initially examined. After a student came to an LMU lecture legally with a blank pistol, other Bavarian universities had already changed their house rules or announced that they would do so.

“Legally and in terms of content, it wasn’t easy because you have to regulate exceptions,” said LMU President Bernd Huber to the “Münchner Merkur” (Wednesday edition). “If, for example, the Federal President is visiting, then we can hardly forbid his bodyguards to carry a weapon.” Police and security forces, among others, are exempt from the new regulation.

However, Huber emphasized that the students do not have to be prepared for entry controls because of the ban on weapons. “The university is an open place and should remain so. That would fundamentally change the character of our university.”