Aschaffenburg (dpa / lby) – A drunk 40-year-old man tried in Aschaffenburg to free his partner, who was also drunk, from a police car. The 42-year-old had previously driven her car in wavy lines and noticed several passers-by, the police reported on Sunday. Because a breath test showed around 1.2 per thousand, the officers put them in the police car. Then the 40-year-old partner came and started screaming. After officers explained the situation to him, he “promptly went” to the car and opened the door.

When the officers prevented this, the 40-year-old threatened them. He was reportedly tied up using pepper spray. The man insulted the police officers. The couple came to the police station together, where blood was drawn from both of them. The 40-year-old had to stay with the police until the evening by order of the district court. He faces charges of attempted freeing of a prisoner, threats, insults and resisting law enforcement officials.