Despite all the controversy and abuses that have been observed in clandestine surgery, botulinumtoxin injections (the well-known Botox) are now the most popular aesthetic procedure in the world. It is currently 43.2% ahead of injections with hyaluronic acids (28.1%) according to the latest figures from Imcas (International mastercourse on aging science), which was held this weekend in Paris (1).

This is true for almost all ages. This procedure is popular among the 65-plus, 51-64, and 35-50-year-olds. It also appeals to 19-34-year-olds. The goal of the procedure is to remove wrinkles, furrows, and crow’s feet by freezing their features.

The second largest group of people who perform aesthetic procedures is the 19-34-year-olds. Laurent Brones and Benjamin Ascher, doctors, wrote Monday that they are more likely to resort to surgery than older patients. They are responsible for 68% of all global rhinoplasties and 48% worldwide liposuctions.

The next age group, those between 35 and 50 years old, prefers non-surgical procedures. The specialists say that the botulinum xin injection is what patients most want. This age group accounts for half of all procedures performed worldwide.

For patients younger than 18 years, they will be able to perform more aesthetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, than injecting botulinum toxins. They are the group that has the least cosmetic procedures.

Permanent hair removal is the most popular non-invasive treatment after fillers and botulinum txin injections. It has experienced a peak growth rate of 76.1% (!) 2020 will be a busy year for plastic surgeons. According to Imcas, the top 5 were fat reduction with body contouring devices (3.9%) and photorejuvenation (3.6% with a growth rate of 32.3%).

In 2022, women accounted for 86.3% worldwide, regardless of whether they use the laser, the scalpel or the syringe.

Breast augmentation and liposuction are still the most popular procedures in Europe and the United States. In Asia, however, eyelid surgery with facelifts or fat transfer to the face is the preferred choice.

The fitting of breast prostheses among minors is becoming more popular. This procedure is used by 43% of 18-year-old women in Europe and Latin America for cosmetic purposes.

(1) Imcas is a platform that brings together experts in dermatology, plastic surgery, and aesthetic treatments. These figures are based on an analysis of various data that is available on the market and were compiled and summarized. These data were provided by Clarivate, Michel Dyens, an investment bank, and ISAPS, International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery.