They conquered the wind and Norway. French biathletes Antonin Guigonnat, Fabien Claude, Emilien Jacquelin and Quentin Fillon Maillet won the 4 × 7.5 kilometer relay at the Worlds in Oberhof, Germany, on Saturday February 18. The tricolors were ahead of Norway, ultra-favorites of the event, by 38 seconds and Sweden by 1’39”. Set back since the start of the season, the French are giving themselves a nice revenge with this gold medal. “It’s really the victory of a team of friends,” commented Emilien Jacquelin after the race on La Chaîne L’Equipe. This medal has a special flavor. We showed character. We were bruised [by the poor results so far], but not defeated. »

First torchbearer, Antonin Guigonnat launched the Blues ideally. Leading the race after 7.5 kilometers, the 31-year-old Haut-Savoyard achieved a faultless prone shot and rather mastered the “standing” (2 faults compensated by two “picks”, the catch shots authorized during relay events) in complicated windy conditions. At the same time, the Norwegian Vetle Christiansen weighed down Norway by dithering against the targets (5 fouls). At this stage of the race, the Scandinavians were already one minute behind the French. “I was spared by the wind when shooting,” Guigonnat explained to La Chaîne L’Equipe. But, in cross-country skiing, it was very hard, you have the impression of being at a standstill. »

Fabien Claude, 28, the second French torchbearer, continued the good work started by Guigonnat. In standing shooting, the Vosgien did much better than limit the breakage (2 faults) at a time in the race when powerful gusts swept through the shooting stadium. Norway, led by Tarjei Boe, was a victim of Aeolus and was then nearly 1’30 ” behind the tricolors and the Czechs.

Fillon Maillet under pressure

For the Blues then came Emilien Jacquelin, 27, a biathlete as talented as he is irregular this season. When shooting prone, the Isérois displayed his best face: 5 blanked targets without shaking. On the cross-country ski trail, Jacquelin widened the gap with powerful pushes. In the wind, his standing shot was more laborious (3 faults and a penalty round), but just as much as that of Norwegian Sturla Laegreid, which allowed the Blues to maintain a one-minute lead over the reigning Olympic champions. The Czech Republic, more skilful than all the other nations, then led the race.

Quentin Fillon Maillet, 30, then had the heavy responsibility of keeping Johannes Boe, the ogre of world biathlon, at a respectable distance, five gold medals in as many events during these Oberhof Worlds. In cross-country skiing, the Jurassic could not hope for anything as the Norwegian’s level is higher than that of all his opponents. Rifle in hand, on the other hand, Boe is as human as the rest. In lying shooting, Fillon Maillet only made one mistake, against three for Boe. During the decisive standing shot, the Frenchman, double Olympic champion in Beijing in 2022, had the fate of the Blues at the end of his index finger. Under pressure, Fillon Maillet achieved an impeccable five out of five in 18 seconds. An essential feat to keep the lead. Especially since Johannes Boe, transformed into Lucky Luke, also achieved a faultless finish, in just over 15 seconds.

All that remained was to reach the finish without giving hope of a return to Norway, which Fillon Maillet accomplished seriously. Welcomed on the line by Guigonnat, Claude and Jacquelin, the Jura player could then brandish a furious fist by crossing the line, as a winner and in gold. With this success, the French deprive Johannes Boe of an unprecedented grand slam at the Worlds. Winner of the first five events (individual and team), the Norwegian had to settle for a silver medal this time.