The ‘Premier’ Boris Johnson has come out of the accusations of his former Dominic Cummings strategist and has refused to have lied to Parliament on the party held in Downing Street on May 20, 2020. “No one told me he was going against the rules (
From the Covid), “the ‘Premiere’ after six days of silence on the ‘Partygate’.
“I went to the garden of Downing Street thinking he was attending a work event.”

“I can not imagine how on earth it could have allowed something that way forward if someone had told me that it was not a work event,” Johnson knocked up.
“Humilly I ask people for people for judgment mistakes that could be committed, but my memory of this event is what I have already said to research.”

Johnson’s reaction occurs at a few hours after Dominic Cummings publicly called him “liar” and offered to testify under oath in the ‘Partygate’ investigation directed by the Sue Gany official.
In his statement to Parliament, Jonhson said he attended the party that summoned more than 30 people in the garden of Downing Street thinking that it was “a work event”.

In his passage through a hospital in London, one day before his new appearance in Parliament, a Carcontened Johnson assuming “the full responsibility” and rebuilt what happened that day: “I remember going out into the garden for a short space of
Time and have greeted for 25 minutes to the staff who worked on the Covid and who was still working on the Covid, and have returned to the office. If I had another chance, I would not have allowed things to develop that way. ”

To the question about whether someone had warned him verbally before stepping on the garden, Johnson responded with strength: “I can categorically say that nobody told me that I could go against the rules of the Covid or that it was something different from a work event

Cummings maintains that he knew in advance that he was a party with alcoholic beverages and warned him that he could suppose a violation of the Restrictions of the Covid.
Former strategist argues that he himself warned Johnson’s personal secretary, Martin Reynold, who could pose a violation of confinement restrictions.

Reynolds, who asked the guests by email to bring “his own bottle”, replied that everything was fine as he respected social distancing, and that in any case he was going to consult him directly with the “Premier”.

“Not only I but others witnesses who also questioned this (the decision to celebrate the party) are willing to testify under oath that this was what happened,” Cummings wrote on his blog.
According to The Sunday Times, at least two people could have warned Johnson in advance that the party could suppose a violation of the restrictions in force on that date.

The possibility of Johnson Mintie in his appearance last week in Westminster was raised directly on Tuesday to the Secretary of Justice, Dominic Raab, who acknowledged that lying to Parliament is “normally” a sufficient cause to resign.
Even so, Raab submitted credibility to the words of Cummings and claimed that the accusations of him “do not make sense”.

Cummings is considered informally as the “Chivato” of the ‘Partygate’, with the chain of leaks that have put on the ropes to the “Premier” and that has also added the possible violation of the rules by Johnson and Carrie with its ”
Getaway “to the mansion of Checkers between March 16 and 27, 2020, when Britons were asked to avoid” non-essential trips “, even to the second residences.

A spokesman of Downing Street replied alleging that the “Premier” and Carrie were already in checkers when that rule came into force, on March 22, and that followed in any case “medical instructions”.
The aforementioned spokesman eluded the questions about possible social events in Checquers, including the celebration on March 14 of a supposed party before the birth of the son of the couple, Wilfred.
Both Johnson and Carrie gave “positive” in the Covid test two weeks later.

Cummigs’ accusations have been welcomed so far with reservations as he himself starred on the first scandal for violating the rules of confinement, with the family trip by car over 400 kilometers from London to Durham on March 27, 2020, when it was already
In force, confinement.
Johnson wrapped in the first instance to his then strategist and architect of the Brexit campaign, which left however through the back door of Downing Street a few months after ridding a personal pulse with Carrie.

The clashes between the “Cummings team” and the “Carrie Team” have been public and notorious and are behind the successive scandals during Johnson’s term.
Cummings now remembers that he asked the “Premier” to replace the personal secretary of Him Martin Reynolds (renamed as “Marty Party”) for the same dates in which he convened the famous party.

“Martin has invited people to a party with alcohol, and that is what I am telling you, that you take control of this crazy house,” says Cummings who came to tell Johnson, who defended his personal secretary and he was
He resisted replacing him.
According to his story, Reynolds came to consult with the “Premier” the celebration of “the party with drinks” and both agreed to continue and in personally attend, although at least two people of the internal circle had been recommended that
They did not do it.

Cummings has noted that “there are other photos” and more revelations about the scope of ‘Partygate’, currently focused on about fifteen parties and meetings that took place during the periods of maximum Restrictions of the COVID.
Sue Gany’s report will be made public possibly next week and you can further balance the image of Johnson.

The Conservative Party has fallen to both 13 points below the Labor Party (30% compared to 43%) in the last survey of Redfield and Wilton Strategies published by The Daily Mail. The analyst John Curtice, considered as the oracle of politics
British, he has warned that although Johnson managed to survive in the short term, “he will never recover completely” nor will it be the “winning horse” of the “Tories”.