SAN JOSE (Calif.) — Cain Velasquez was denied bail Monday by a judge. He is accused of attempted murder and multiple gun attacks. Authorities say Velasquez fired at a pickup truck that had a man who is suspected of sexually abusing a family member aged 4.


Velasquez, who was driving a pickup with a man in it, chased the pickup through three Silicon Valley cities. He then rammed the pickup truck with his pickup truck in an 11-mile chase at high speed, according to prosecutors.
Velasquez (39), fired several shots at the vehicle with a.40 caliber pistol, injuring the stepfather of the driver, according to prosecutors.

Mark Geragos, a celebrity attorney representing Velasquez told reporters outside of the court that he intends to vindicating Cain, and get him back with his family.

After retiring from MMA in 2019, Velasquez switched to pro-wrestling. He was a former UFC heavyweight champion and earned title belts for UFC in 2010 as well as 2012.