This April 24, Focus – the Cuatro program, presented by the journalist Ana Francisco – delved, for more than two hours, into the life of Felipe Juan Froilán de Todos los Santos de Marichalar y Borbón (24). The controversial nephew of King Felipe, fourth in line to the throne, who moved to Abu Dhabi last February.

According to the program, the son of the Infanta Elena left Spain, due to his various controversies. Among them, a massive fight with a man wounded by a knife. Even so, according to numerous sources, Froilán has already buried his love at night and would find himself “reformed” in the Middle East, where he works for an important multinational.

As a result of that information and in order to verify that Felipe really gave up his bad habits, the Cuatro program traveled to Abu Dhabi, where they followed him for seven days. In this way, Focus obtained 17 minutes of exclusive material, which includes statements from his close circle, images of the places he usually goes to and videos of his new hobbies. For example, paddle tennis and kite surfing.

For almost a decade, Felipe de Marichalar has filled the headlines of the tabloids and social pages. However, no year has been as difficult as 2022. In February, he was thrown out of a nightclub for using a smoke gun. In April, they attacked a villa in Marbella, where he was staying. In July, he was involved in a shootout. And in November, he witnessed a knife fight, in which one of his friends was injured in the arm.

Because of this, and always according to the program, the Royal Family would have begun to talk about the possible exodus of Froilán. But, as those close to him knew that it would not happen soon, King Felipe would have chosen to “keep an eye on him” and put a team of escorts on him that would have tried to keep him out of trouble. Despite this, during that time, he and his sister were involved in a traffic accident.

As a consequence, Froilán would have decided to visit Abu Dhabi for the first time. The grandson of the Emeritus would have wanted to rest from the cameras and would have begged for a break. However, upon returning to Spain, after the death of Constantine of Greece, Felipe went to an after party and the police ended up evicting everyone present. The reason? The presence of minors and “pink cocaine”.

Felipe Juan Froilán finally decided to leave Spain on February 8, 2023. According to numerous images, the King’s nephew arrived at the airport without his family, but accompanied by two key people in his life: the influencer Belén Perea, with whom would have a “special friendship”, and the colonel of the Air Force Nicolás Murga.

According to the program, the Emeritus and Murga are inseparable friends and since the former King decided to leave Spain, it has been Murga who has taken charge of Froilán and his sister Victoria Federica, so it is not surprising that he was the in charge of taking Felipe to his destination.

Upon landing in Abu Dhabi, Juan Carlos I received his grandson and quickly contacted two influential people: Mohamed bin Zayed, the president of the United Arab Emirates, and his brother, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed, who -being his greats friends – employed Froilán in one of the largest oil companies in the world.

It is the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. Commonly known as ADNOC. According to Focus, the company’s income represents 30% of the country’s GDP and it is one of the companies that provides the best benefits to its workers. Even those who are in “junior” positions, such as Froilán, who would receive between six thousand and seven thousand euros a month.

According to a friend of De Marichalar, the fourth in line to the throne would not have any privileges in the company. “Maybe his grandfather helped him get the job, but he has to meet a schedule like everyone else,” said a close person, whose face was not seen. Likewise, another close one affirmed that Froilán has become a quiet worker and that in the Emirates no one persecutes him, “because the tabloids are illegal.”

On the other hand, Focus entered the skyscraper where Felipe lives and, although they could not find his apartment, they did reveal that the inhabitants of the building pay about 40,000 euros a year for homes that exude grandeur. But that’s not the only luxury that Froilán indulges in… he also visits exclusive restaurants and clubs often.

According to Focus, the young man is a regular at a Spanish restaurant, where they serve paella, croquettes and tripe, as well as a place where he usually goes for dinner with his grandfather. An Italian restaurant, where consumption per person exceeds 100 euros. Despite this, that would be the favorite activity of the Emeritus and his grandson, with whom he would spend a lot of time.

“They have dinner together. Felipe tells him ‘grandfather, I’m going to your house’ and they have dinner. He says that he is lucky to live here and enjoy with his grandfather, who is a little pachucho … Because there are already 85 tacos.

But they share a lot. They talk about history and Felipe asks him about the history of Spain,” said a friend, whose face was not seen either.

Minutes later, Focus showed that there are many nightclubs that Felipe knows. But that he doesn’t frequent, because his life has changed… And for the better. “He’s calm here. He doesn’t go out much. This is a quiet city and if Felipe wants a party, he goes to Dubai,” said a friend. Although one of her acquaintances did point out that, on some occasion, he has “caught a party yacht” in order to have fun.

And then… What does Froilán spend his free time doing? According to his group of friends, all Spanish and all engineers, Froilán plays paddle tennis twice a week, in an exclusive sports complex, and is dedicated to practicing kite surfing, in a place where they also require membership to enter.

On other issues, Focus obtained the testimony of a couple of close ones, who revealed that Froilán did move because he wanted to escape from the press. However, he too would have been pressured to do so. “In Spain he went out into the street and people recorded him with their mobile phones, with cameras. And he was a bit tired of that… But he came more for the other. Because he was forced to,” confessed an unidentified subject.

In the same way, the program showed the opinion of two experts. One that assured that Froilán has escorts, provided by the company in which he works, and another that mentioned that Felipe walks freely around Abu Dhabi. However, the Ministry of the Interior did not confirm or deny the information to Focus.

Finally, the program broadcast the recording of a call between Juan Carlos I and Ana Francisco, which occurred seven days ago. In the first instance, the Emeritus tells the journalist that he does not hear her well, because she is in a place with a lot of noise. But, after the insistence of the presenter, the former King asserts that his grandson is well in Abu Dhabi. “He is fantastic, he is working and he is very happy,” he mentioned.

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