The administration of the vaccine to children between 5 and 11 years old will begin on day 15 in schools, vaccinódromos or health centers, according to each autonomous community.
Of course, it will begin first by children of high risk and older, 10 and 11 years, as approved by the Public Health Commission.
The latest data from the Coronavirus pandemic in Spain aim that the country approaches a high-risk situation, with the group more affected by children under 11 with an accumulated incidence of 547.22 cases while the Spanish average is
In 323.07 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The Government of Taiwan said this Saturday that he had detected the first case of the variant omicron Covid-19 on the island, reports Reuters.

The central epidemic command center said that the infection was detected in an Eswatini traveler, which was already in quarantine, as is the case of all arrivals to Taiwan.

The traveler was asymptomatic.
Another ten people sitting in front and behind the traveler on the incoming flight had been in a home quarantine and all had given negative, said the center.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has alerted that the epidemiological situation in Europe is characterized by a “high and rapidly increased” case notification and for a mortality rate that slowly increases, reports EFE.

The ECDC also predicted that, throughout this week, the number of notified cases, hospital admissions and mortality in several countries will grow, including Spain.

The data of the report, which refer to the week from November 29 to December 5, are due in large part to the high transmission rate of the Delta variant, which has counteracted the effect of vaccination campaigns, points out the entity
Based in Sweden.

The Agency has classified eight countries as “very high risk” (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway and Poland);
While he called 11 “high risk”;
to ten, among them Spain, “of moderate risk” and one “low risk”.

After the request of Andalusia and the approval in Cantabria, there are only six autonomies that will not ask for the Covid passport to go to restaurants or nightclubs: Madrid, Castilla León, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja and Asturias.
Here all the information

This coming Monday, pediatric vaccines against Coronavirus destined for the population between 5 and 11 years old, whose administration will begin on December 15 in schools, vaccinódromes or health centers, according to each autonomous community, reports EFE.

The Public Health Commission approved this week to vaccinate high-risk children first and greater age, 10 and 11 years.

Vaccination in the children’s population can help reduce the burden of disease in this group (with an AI of 547.22) and the transmission in the family environment, in the educational centers and in the Community, in addition to contributing to the decrease of
The appearance of new variants of this virus.

The objective is to protect children not only from the disease in their acute facet, but also before possible affections in the future and against persistent Covid syndrome.