The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, will visit Israel and Palestine this Thursday, November 23. This is his first international trip after being inaugurated on November 16. As reported by Moncloa, Sánchez will carry out this visit together with Alexander de Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium, a country that will take over from Spain in the current Presidency of the EU next January.

“Both leaders will discuss with President Herzog and Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as with the president of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, the impact of the terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas against Israel on October 7, and the critical humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip,” Moncloa points out in his note.

The talks, according to the Moncloa note, “will focus on the ground on the protection of all civilians, the unconditional and immediate release of the hostages, access for humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, respect for International Law Humanitarian and the search for a lasting political solution for the region, based on two States, Israel and Palestine, coexisting in peace and security.