Kurt Krömer is dissatisfied with the top politicians in the Federal Republic and finds harsh words for the Federal Chancellor. The comedian wishes for more honesty – not only in politics, but also on a personal level.

Kurt Krömer is disappointed in Olaf Scholz as Chancellor. “Scholz is a snorer,” said the comedian and bestselling author in an interview with “Spiegel”. “I wish he would say, ‘I don’t know what’s going to happen either.’ He always comes across as incredibly arrogant, which makes me think: Do you think we’re all stupid?”

But Krömer could not imagine an alternative like CDU leader Friedrich Merz as chancellor. “I find them both impossible,” he explains. “If Merz were Chancellor now, I would think that would be bad too.” But the decision between Scholz, Merz or Robert Habeck is a little easier for the comedian: the Federal Minister of Economics is best to explain what is currently happening, says Krömer from Berlin. “I have the feeling that he’s making an honest announcement.”

Krömer finds it very important that politicians speak honestly about their weaknesses. But that doesn’t happen that often, says the comedian. “Talking about weaknesses in politics is like talking about being gay in the Bundesliga. A lot of people would want that and say it’s no longer a problem these days.” In reality, however, it is not that easy.

In an interview with “Spiegel”, Krömer also talks about depression. An episode of his show “Chez Krömer” about depression was recently awarded the Grimme Prize. In the interview, Krömer distinguishes between three stages of depression. In his case he was “completely unfit to live”. He thought, “Now the only thing left to do is die.”

Already in the morning Krömer didn’t have the strength to get up. “Even though I was fit, even though I slept late, I thought: hopefully it will be evening soon and I can lie down again.” Now Krömer wants to pay more attention to the topic of depression. “Until I drop dead in the box, I will speak publicly about depression.”