The time to collect the pensions for the month of June 2023 is approaching. As has been the case since January, the fifth monthly payment of the year incorporates the 8.5% increase, a revaluation based on the interannual CPI proposed by the Government that will be applied during the entire current exercise. In addition to the ordinary payment, pensioners will also receive the extra summer pay, a circumstance that leads many people to wonder what day they will receive their pensions.
The improvement of the 14 payments of pensioners to combat inflation entails the disappearance of the old paguilla, an extra amount that was injected into the pension item annually to compensate for the loss of purchasing power.
As you remember from Social Security, the usual thing is that the 10 million pensioners collect their pensions in arrears, that is, the first business day of the following month; in this case it would be between July 1 and 4. However, most financial institutions advance the payment so that their pensioner clients receive their payroll in advance in their checking accounts.
Considering the days of payment by banks and savings banks throughout the year, the forecast dates for pensioners to collect the June pay and the summer extra are concentrated in the last week of the month, although some entities will pay payments at the end of the previous week:
Caixabank, Banco Santander, Bankinter and BancoSabadell are the entities that could have the pensions paid around Friday, June 23. For their part, BBVA, Cajamar, ING, Unicaja, Abanca and Kutxabank would wait as of Monday, June 26. However, each entity will confirm the final date through its communication channels in the coming days.
In June 2023, pensioners will receive the ordinary payment and the summer bonus at the same time. It should be remembered that the amount of extraordinary remuneration is the same as that of ordinary payments. Retirement pensions; for widowhood and orphanhood; for permanent disability (due to non-work causes) and in favor of family members (without work causes) are the only benefits that have two annual extraordinary payments.
This is what pensioners will enter in June 2023, adding the ordinary and extra pay:
In the case of pensions derived from accidents at work or occupational disease, the two extraordinary payments are prorated among the 12 ordinary payments.
From June 1, the royal decree to improve access to early retirement for workers with a disability equal to or greater than 45% comes into force. From now on, these people will continue to need a minimum contribution period of 15 years, but they will only have to certify 5 years of contributions with the recognized disability.
According to the criteria of The Trust Project