On Thursday, May 16, Libération published the pay slip of the President of the Republic. Although his remuneration was not an open secret, the document had never been consulted in detail. In January 2024, Emmanuel Macron received 16,039 euros gross, or 14,586.22 euros net before tax, for “full time”.

This document was sent by Xavier Berne, a former journalist who created the associative platform Ma dada, which aims to simplify the consultation of administrative documents. 

The latter relied on a 1978 law which specifies that “any person can obtain communication of documents held by an administration as part of its public service mission, whatever their form or medium”. 

The former journalist and Lucie Sponchiado, a teacher-researcher at the Observatory of Public Ethics, sent an email to the Elysée to gain access to this document. Two months later, they received two pay slips from the president, one dated December 2023 and one dated January 2024.

Although he has been in charge of the State since May 7, 2017, Emmanuel Macron had other professional opportunities before being elected. 

After graduating from ENA in 2004, Emmanuel Macron joined the Finance Inspectorate (IGF), first as a deputy inspector then as a Finance Inspector in October 2005. In 2008, he decided to resign from office. He then became an investment banker at Rothschild

The same year, on May 15, Emmanuel Macron joined the ranks of the Élysée as deputy secretary general of François Hollande’s cabinet. In August 2014, he was appointed Minister of the Economy, a position he held for two years. In August 2016, the head of state resigned to devote himself to the creation of his political party but also to his candidacy for the 2017 presidential elections, which he won the same year.

Discover the amount of his salary over the years in our slideshow below.