A Visa waiver program has been established by the US State Department and the US Department of Homeland Security for individuals residing in countries that have signed an agreement with America. Under this streamlined agreement, foreigners are permitted to travel as a tourist and for business purposes to the US without submitting a Visa application and stay there for 90 days.

Thirty-eight participants can visit the United States using the ‘Visa Waiver program’ without obtaining entry Visas. Hence, people looking for opportunities to visit the United States without a Visa have a few options.

The best option among them is gaining a passport from a young EU country. It’s time to consider getting EU citizenship seriously. During this process, you will become a citizen of the EU and be able to explore the Visa Waiver program.

You can build a safe and comfortable life in the EU territory if you receive a passport. You obtain the right to work, study, and live anywhere you please and get the unbelievable opportunity of residing in the US without a Visa to live the American dream.

What is a European Citizen?

A person who meets the requirements to be considered a European citizen can migrate, settle, and work in any of the 28 member states of the union.

You must apply for citizenship in a nation of the EU to obtain EU citizenship. While the procedure for becoming a citizen of the European Union differs from state to state, in general, you must reside in the nation for a specific period, show proof of your legal right to do so, and apply for European Union citizenship.

Requirements for Foreigners

The countries allowed the right of free entry is part of the EU. If they want to cross the border, they must seek permission from the electronic travel authorization system (ESTA). This regulates the right of foreigners to visit the US under the Visa Waiver program.

To get permission, you must fill out a form on the ESTA official website. You will have to provide passport details, email, residential address, phone number, Visa history, and information about any diseases, including relevant personal information. A state fee of 14 USD must be paid to get the permit. Although you can apply any time before travel, getting permission before buying tickets is preferred.

Only foreigners with biometric passports are applicable for crossing the border in a Visa-free agreement. This will remain valid for 6 months after the decided-upon date of completion of the trip. Free entry is accessible for 2 years.

Your Alternative to Getting the EU Passport

You can get EU citizenship quickly with Immigrant House Company. The company delivers a complete range of legal and consulting services needed to obtain EU citizenship. With Immigrant House, getting your European passport becomes much easier with the routine work handed to professionals.

The significant aspects of the company are programs that are kept to obtain a residence permit and citizenship for the following EU countries:




France etc.

With more than 10 years of experience, this company can search and organize documents efficiently. They ensure that they comply with all the requirements mentioned in the immigration legislation of the EU.

Stages of Getting your EU Passport

Preparing the package of documents. The typical package often consists of a passport from the nation where the applicant now resides, a photo, an application form, an autobiography, a letter of motivation, and documentation proof of the reasons for restoring citizenship.

Submission of the dossier to migration services. The application can be registered online, in person at the country’s embassy, or in foreign government institutions.

Waiting for the result. The Commission verifies the correctness of the supplied data. If the dossier was put together wrongly, additional citizenship registration might be rejected.

Obtaining passport. The applicant is given a certificate authorizing them to apply for an EU citizen’s Visa if the grounds are verified. Second citizenship becomes available to immigrants at that point, enabling them to enter Europe, find employment, and obtain a driver’s license.

The Takeaway!

Immigrant House is a consulting company with years of expertise in helping diverse families get citizenship via investment and residency.

They assist clients worldwide in obtaining EU passports while diversifying their portfolios with solid investments. Don’t hesitate to contact one of their experts if you have questions about getting EU citizenship, particularly about entering the US on an EU passport.