The president of the Republicans (LR) Eric Ciotti launched an “appeal” to right-wing voters on Saturday March 23, during his party’s first major campaign meeting for the European elections.

“Come back! Come back to your values, come back to your political family. No matter what paths we take, we must come together for France,” he declared in front of some 3,000 activists who came to attend the event at the Docks de Paris in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis).

While his head of list François-Xavier Bellamy stagnates between 7% and 8% in the polls, Mr. Ciotti launched “an appeal to those who, on the right, since 2017, have distanced themselves from us: on June 9, n ‘don’t misplace your vote again’.

“You can’t improvise as a war leader”

Above all, he unleashed his blows against the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, “the man who was worth a thousand billion euros in debt” and his “war declarations on Ukraine”. “You don’t improvise as a war leader, with boxing gloves,” he added, mocking recent photos released by the Elysée.

Following him, the number two on the list, the farmer Céline Imart, also targeted the head of state, “specialist in big smoke”. “When his two five-year terms are over, what will be left? Words, palaver (…) but nothing for France, nothing for our children,” she insisted.