The search for the ‘Titan’ continues without any new results. Captain Jamie Frederick, of the First Coast Guard District, today gave a press conference on the progress in the search for the submarine with five people on board that disappeared last weekend and was traveling to explore the remains of the Titanic.

What worries the most at the moment are the hours of oxygen, something for which the media have asked Frederick, who replied: “We know from the data that we were using as a starting point of 96 hours that at this moment there are about 40 or 41 hours”.

The tracking is being complicated, due to the remoteness of the location and the weather adversity, however the search work began quickly. Frederick said they were connected by the Boston command and coordination center on Sunday to report that they had lost connection to the sub with five people on board. An hour and 45 minutes later “they coordinated search efforts with the International Guard, Polar Prince and the Canadian Coast Guard.” In addition, he added the surprising fact that an area that is larger than the US state of Connecticut has been searched.

Despite all the efforts, these “have not yielded any results,” he said, adding that the operation is continuing.

A remotely operated vehicle dive is currently underway at the last known location of the submarine. Said device has a camera on board.

The search against the clock for the submarine ‘Titan’, of the OceanGate company, will be joined today by US Navy ships and private vessels are also participating in the search.

It is a “unique operation,” said Capt. Frederick, stressing that “everything we can” is being done to find the area and locate the submersible. When it is located, then they will think about the rescue work, he wanted to clarify what is being a tireless job.

Although the authorities have not wanted to reveal the identities of the people on board, the media have echoed them. They would be a British billionaire, a Pakistani businessman and his son, a French explorer and the CEO of OceanGate.

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate Expeditions, organizer of the Titan diving mission, is aboard the missing submarine, the company has confirmed, NBC News reports citing the company.

This Canada-based company has already successfully carried out two similar expeditions in 2021 and 2022. The cost of these trips is $250,000.

The submersible, called Titan, is known to weigh more than 10 tons and is made of carbon fiber and titanium, according to OceanGate Expeditions. The 21-foot ship is on life support for up to 96 hours, though Mauger pegged the available time “between 70 and 96 full hours of oxygen on the ship at this time.” The situation is increasingly dramatic.

The curiosity generated by the Titanic tragedy continues to obsess many. The Titanic sank in the icy waters of the Atlantic on April 15, 1912. The sinking after hitting an iceberg claimed the lives of 1,514 passengers out of the 2,224 traveling from Southhampton to New York.

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