Like every month, the government offers new features, as well as adjustments to systems for the French. In June, a large number of changes will appear, whether in areas of daily life, in finances or in the help provided to children and adolescents. While for some, these decisions will be good news, for others, they will represent dreaded changes. We take stock.

The French await with a mixture of impatience and apprehension the changes announced at the start of each month. Between good and bad news, developments often have to do with the cost of living, but also the extension or evolution of a specific system. In a context where the French must vote for the European elections on June 9 and while inflation still has serious consequences, many are wondering about the state of their finances, as well as the potential increases to be expected.

As of June 1, the changes recorded take into account the need for mental health, the desire to supervise young people, as well as the simplicity of administrative procedures. For example, a certain number of medical procedures will be simplified to free up doctors’ time. Pharmacists will thus be able to directly issue antibiotic prescriptions for the treatment of tonsillitis and cysts while the options will be able to adjust the correction of glasses. Among all these developments, here are the ones that should be noted on your shelves for the month of June.