Patricia faces her greatest fear, Arne scores with historical knowledge and Loretta and Michael make important decisions: On the “Bauer sucht Frau” farms, future-oriented courses are set.

Reversed roles on the farm of Simmental cattle breeder Michael K.: While the farmer is still snoring in bed, the guest, who is ready for courtship, is already busy whirling around in the kitchen. With a broad grin on his face, Jan Hendrik serves his farmer coffee in bed. “I could get used to that,” admits Michael. The two lovebirds are doing really well. During the later pasture march, Michael and Jan walk through the countryside almost like a couple in love.

Young farmer Max, horse farmer Ulf and cheese maker Arne are also on a pink path to happiness. The latter turns out to be a true knowledge machine, which only comes to rest when the lady-in-waiting Antje can no longer shut her mouth in amazement. This time it’s anecdotes from the life of the Munchausen author Gottfried August Bürger, which the dairy farmer pulls out of his sleeve in abundance, just like David Copperfield once did his magic tricks. Enjoying the view of nature in the world-famous “Bürger-Grotte”, Antje can hardly put her happiness into words: “It’s all so romantic!” the medical podiatrist rejoices.

At Pferdewirt Ulf’s there’s coffee and bananas for breakfast. After a lot of court work, in which the 28-year-old Anna Lina is once again up for nothing, the lady-in-waiting returns the favor with a lovingly decorated plate of spaghetti Bolognese. That pleases the farmer, who immediately wants to set the course for the future: “Did you do well, can you do it more often?” Ulf asks with his mouth full. Anna Lina counters this with an equal rights plan: “I would think it would be nice if we shared the tasks in the kitchen and in the house later on,” says the landlady.

It can hardly get any better in the sunny Palatinate. Here the turtles not only hug each other while a new electric fence is being erected, but also at the subsequent barbecue party, hugging each other almost constantly. Young farmer Max is certain: “It’s great with Anna, everything can still get really big.” Everything is going really well with Jörg in Hesse, if only it weren’t for Patricia’s panic fear of new things.

The blonde with the fidgety attitude bursts into tears from fear on the rickety tractor. But farmer Jörg does not give up. The edgy Prochnow double is determined to help his lady-in-waiting overcome her fears. And lo and behold: After a strenuous back and forth, Patricia finally pulls himself together and meets her farmer on an equal footing in terms of determination and courage: “I’m really proud of you!”, Jörg ennobles his sweaty lady-in-waiting.

Just a few meters before the ascent to the Liebe Olympus, horse owner Loretta and cattle farmer Michael N. are swaying back and forth. With whom do the two undecided dare the love journey? After a crunchy speed-dating contest, the robust horsewoman decides to go with the fourth-league opponent Sascha. In Lower Saxony, too, Michael asks for an interview. Administrator Christine and HR manager Mandy have to tremble here. A short but very disturbing conversation with the visibly shocked Christine later it is clear: Michael would like to spend the rest of the court week with Mandy. She is at least as dissolved as her competitor. In the end, both opponents are sobbing in each other’s arms and wish each other only the best for the future.

Yes, you can also part ways in the languorous competition – with a lot of recognition and mutual sympathy. While most competitive duos eventually pull out their claws, Christine and Mandy make a show of connection in the moment of greatest pain. Even Michael, standing in between, gets glassy-eyed.

(This article was first published on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.)