The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has urged critical socialists, those who, in his opinion, maintain clear discrepancies with Pedro Sánchez’s policy, to “defend what they think” and “withdraw confidence from sanchismo at once “.

From Cartagena, in a party act together with the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, the president of the popular has made this appeal to the historical barons of the PSOE who, he has assured, do not agree with the transfers to the independence movement , nor with the fiasco of the yes is yes law, nor with the alliance with Podemos, among other issues, and those who are concerned about the continuous divisions shown by the coalition Executive.

Feijóo has assured that the Government of Pedro Sánchez “is in permanent crisis” and far from the general interests. “It has not been able,” he said, “to come to an agreement in the face of the invasion of Ukraine, nor to modify the bungling of the only yes is yes law, nor to repeal what they call a bad Citizen Security law, nor in how can purchase prices be lowered”. According to Feijóo, the reason is that “the only thing that matters to them is their survival in La Moncloa.”

The leader of the PP has assumed that the only thing that all members of the Government will agree on will be to vote “no” next Tuesday to the motion of censure presented by Vox. “The attachment to the position,” he stressed, “is the only thing that amalgamates Sánchez’s broken coalition.” However, he has also taken it for granted that, even if the president wins the vote in Congress next week, “he has already lost the people” and, he has warned: “Most Spaniards will be upset on the 28th of May”.

The president of the popular has also stated that Vox’s motion of no confidence will only be “a breath of fresh air” for Sánchez and has stressed that the PP “will not contribute to giving air to a government in discount time.” In this sense, he has emphasized that all the ministers are more focused on insulting him than on solving the country’s problems and that, he stated, “proves that they do not have any interesting agreement in the Council of Ministers and they already see themselves outside the Government from Spain”.

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