The National Police has injected a novel Plus to the universe of illegal immigration that is called to score a before and after investigations with deaths by means.
For the first time, he has attributed dolosure homicide – in place of imprudent – those responsible for a mafia understanding that they were aware that the kettle in which seven people died was not in a position to take into the sea for the high risk he supposed to
The life of all travelers.

After concluding that they forced the 80 migrants to climb to Punta de Raza, the central unity of illegal immigration networks and documentary falsehoods has put the proceedings in the hands of a judge, who will be in charge of certifying the new trend that the
Agents point out and who trust that Germine to lay the foundations of futures issues of the same characteristics.

The shipwreck of the pawl occurred at dawn from November 26, 2019 to 30 miles of Melilla after a violent boarding at a Nador Beach (Morocco).
None of the migrants wanted to climb the Cayuco when, on the shore, they noticed that there was water inside the boat and that the engine barely worked.

They had to embark after being intimidated with knives and sticks before the urgency of two members of the organization starting the trip that, as on other occasions, had to end on the Spanish coast at dawn.

Once on a route, the engine stopped working and the pare began to sink.
Seven immigrants from Bangladesh passed away and their bodies were thrown into the water for the rest of colleagues to free weight.
Everyone had paid 12,000 euros for a trip that had begun a year and a half before.

The criminal organization, according to the complex bruised research by the Central UCRIF, had a great operational capacity, stability and permanence over time and was settled in Bangladesh, India, Mali, Dubai, Algeria, Morocco and Spain.
The device has meant a hard blow for illegal immigration.

The three members of the Spanish branch were arrested and one of them has entered prison.
The leader is settled in Bangladesh, is the backbone of this network and has a trusted man in each country in which the plot is rooted, which guaranteed the border passing of migrants well by car, on foot through the mountains
or by plane with passports.

The antepenlast scale of the trip before reaching Europe was Algeria, where trafficking from people from Bangladesh was “monopolized”, as they point from the Central Ucrif.
A man “of a lot of weight” within the organization that, however, “never let himself be seen,” she gave them shelter and facilitated his passage to Morocco, a country in which he operated responsible for the Moroccan-Spanish plot that, to his
Time, I was fixed his residence in Madrid.

Migrants were housed in Fez (Morocco) in a block of housing that did not come out in six months.
Then he was led to the beach, at dawn, heading to Spain.
The Chafarian Islands, the Litoral de Almería, Málaga or Alicante, as the researchers indicated, the preferred destinations of the Cayucos during the time when the plot has been active.

The UCRIF fell from death to this network on December 1, when it stopped in Alicante and Madrid the three members of the Spanish branch.
After the shipwreck of 2019, the man who directed the last stretch of the trip decided to leave Madrid and for a while he remained in Dubai and Morocco.
He returned last October, when he was believed safely from the magnifying glass of the researchers, but the agents located in Alicante.

The activity that the police attribute to the organization makes it considers that, at a minimum, in the last year, more than one million euros could be packed.
In the operation of the Central UCRIF, Europol and the provincial foreigner brigade and Melilla borders have also participated.
The court continues the diligences of the case and the police operation remains open.