The July 14 celebrations in Paris will be an opportunity for France to receive the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The visit of the latter, present in France since this Thursday, July 13, was marked by the announcement by New Delhi of the purchase of 26 additional Rafale aircraft. An important operation for France.

“Tomorrow I will be at the National Day parade with my friend Emmanuel Macron. This proximity is not only that of two leaders of two countries. It is a reflection of the unshakable friendship between India and France, “said the Prime Minister Thursday evening in front of members of the diaspora gathered to listen to him at the performance hall of the musical Seine, near Paris. .

At the same time, Emmanuel Macron, in an address to the Ministry of the Armed Forces, said he was “happy to welcome India as the guest of honor in our parade”. “He is a giant in the history of the world who will be instrumental in shaping our future; it is also a strategic partner and a friendly country,” he added.

Narendra Modi arrived at midday for this two-day official visit intended to further strengthen ties between the two countries linked by a 25-year-old strategic partnership, built in particular on cooperation in the field of military equipment. India, which has already recently ordered 36 Rafale aircraft for its air force (including 3 will fly over Paris on Friday), announced Thursday that it also wanted to acquire 26 Rafale in their navy version to equip its aircraft carrier, as well as 3 Scorpene submarines.

The two countries also have a certain convergence of views on international relations. “We have the same desire for strategic autonomy. Our two countries are deeply committed to international law and we want the world to be multipolar,” Modi said in an interview with Les Echos newspaper, saying that India sees France as “one of [its] main global partners”.

New Delhi, the Asian giant on the front line in the face of China’s rise to power, is adept at multi-alignment, for example continuing to cooperate with Russia despite being ostracized by the West since the invasion of China. ‘Ukraine. Paris wants to be a power of balance, multiplying the channels of dialogue and wishing to be a bridge between the Western bloc and the rest of the world. “We have been able in recent years to strengthen, with India in particular, with the United Arab Emirates as well, and with a few others, unprecedented, essential alliances, in particular within the framework of the Indo-Pacific”, declared Emmanuel Macron.

In this vast area covering the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the scene of growing tensions between Beijing and Washington and where France has overseas interests and territories, “the middle way we are pursuing is the right one, India there is a key partner, ”said the French president, who must then welcome Mr. Modi to the Élysée Palace for a private dinner, before a large official dinner on Friday, in the decor of the Louvre museum.

On Friday, between the parade and dinner for more than 200 guests, the Indian Prime Minister will have various appointments. In particular, a joint statement to the press is planned. “Security cooperation, space, civil nuclear, technology, anti-terrorism, cybersecurity, climate change, renewable energies will be on the menu for discussion,” Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwarta said on Wednesday.

At the same time the world’s largest demographic power, an economic giant, a major emitter of greenhouse gases and a nuclear power, India is an unavoidable and increasingly courted heavyweight. A few weeks ago, Narendra Modi had the honors of a state visit to Washington. “India has seen its influence increase significantly in recent years,” said researcher Fawa Aamer of ASPI, who recalls that she currently holds the presidency of the G20.