Tensions between Paris and Rome are still not calmed after the exit of Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, on the management of immigration by the Meloni government. Élisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, tries, in turn, to calm things down by pleading, Friday, May 5, a “peaceful dialogue”.

“I would like to reiterate that Italy is an essential partner of France, that our relationship is based on mutual respect and that we will favor consultation and peaceful dialogue to continue working together,” said the Prime Minister. in front of the press. She was asked about the possibility of Paris apologizing to Rome, following a meeting at Matignon with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, devoted to cooperation between their two countries.

“I agree 100%, for us too, Italy is a major partner,” slipped his Belgian counterpart, after Elisabeth Borne’s short response.

Gérald Darmanin estimated on Thursday that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was “unable to resolve the migration issues on which she was elected”. The head of diplomacy Antonio Tajani then immediately canceled his visit to Paris, demanding an apology from the French Minister of the Interior the next day. Asked by AFP, the Interior Ministry declined to comment on the Italian government’s apology requests.