Fulda (dpa/lhe) – The diocese of Fulda wants to bundle its offers on a campus in the immediate vicinity of Fulda Cathedral. The diocese announced on Friday that vacant rooms in the convent building directly adjacent to the cathedral and the opposite seminar and lecture hall building of the theological faculty are to be prepared and used. “The new campus at the cathedral will be multifunctional and brings together many of our content offers from the areas of culture, further education and pastoral care,” explained the vicar general of the diocese, Prelate Christof Steinert. “This offers numerous opportunities for networking and encounters and expands the space for new developments.”

The new campus should become a place where church and society meet and where people with very different backgrounds can exchange ideas. The location in the Fulda Baroque Quarter is ideal for this. In the coming years, living and sleeping areas should be renovated, existing conference rooms modernized and a modern kitchen and catering infrastructure set up in the historic building complex.

The background to the planning is also the reorientation of priestly training and the bundling of training for professions in pastoral care and teaching at the Catholic Seminary of the University of Marburg. This frees up the relevant rooms in the building ensemble. In the future, the new campus will also house the Catholic Academy of the Diocese of Fulda, which has so far been housed in the Bonifatiushaus in the Neuenberg district of Fulda. This should move to the new location in the course of 2026, it said. The buildings in Neuenberg should then “be used differently economically to a large extent”. The Helene Weber family education center will remain at the usual location in Neuenberg.