Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – The committee of inquiry into the murder of Kassel’s district president Walter Lübcke wants to question the convicted perpetrator Stephan Ernst on November 4th. The Hessian state parliament announced on Monday that the public hearing would take place in the Wiesbaden district court.

“The murderer of the former member of parliament Dr. Walter Lübcke should not appear at his place of work for many years,” said the chairman of the investigative committee, Christian Heinz (CDU). One reason for questioning in a courthouse is the safe accommodation of the witness.

As further witnesses, a former member of the right-wing extremist scene in Kassel and an employee of the state security police in North Hesse are to be questioned on November 4th. This should take place as usual in the rooms of the state parliament.

The state parliament investigation committee was set up in 2020. The deputies investigate the role of the Hessian security authorities in the murder case and possible omissions.