Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Manuela Rottmann, member of the Bundestag, is to run for the Frankfurt Greens in the race to succeed the de-elected Mayor of Frankfurt, Peter Feldmann. As the managing director of the Frankfurt Greens, Natalie Becker, announced on Tuesday, the party’s selection committee has committed itself to Rottmann. Officially, the members will not elect the mayor candidate until November 19th.

Born in Lower Franconia, she is State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. From 2006 to 2012 she was Head of the Environment and Health Department in Frankfurt. Since Feldmann was voted out, his deputy Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg has been acting mayor. She too had signaled her willingness to run for office. City council leader Hilime Arslaner was also named as a possible candidate.

The election is expected to take place on March 5th. Head of Planning Mike Josef takes over for the SPD. Former mayor and treasurer Uwe Becker is to run for the CDU.