Gießen/Stadtallendorf (dpa/lhe) – The partial construction freeze imposed after the discovery of traces of explosives to close the gap on the controversial Autobahn 49 in central Hesse is ongoing. “The construction freeze has been in effect since it was announced until further notice, i.e. until the relevant facts relating to contaminated sites have been clarified and the necessary measures have been implemented,” said a spokesman for the responsible regional council in Giessen (RP).

The authority does not expect any major delays for the construction site as a whole, as only a very small part is affected by the order. It is an area of ??about 60 by 200 meters of the more than 30-kilometer-long new line, explained a spokeswoman for the executing construction company. The suspended work at this point “basically” had no effect on the further course of construction.

The RP ordered the partial halt to construction after suspicious traces were found in the excavated soil at the A49 construction site near Stadtallendorf in mid-May. According to the authority, analyzes confirmed that it was the explosive hexyl. Stadtallendorf used to be an armaments site where explosives were produced.

The further construction of the A49 is controversial. In autumn 2020 there were violent protests by environmentalists. Dozens of hectares of forest had to be cleared to close the gap, including in the Dannenröder Forest.