Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – the Frankfurt public prosecutor’s office accuses a 42-year-old man of murder for base motives and attempted manslaughter. According to senior public prosecutor Nadja Niesen, the Turkish national is said to have killed a 44-year-old compatriot with whom his partner had a “loose relationship” in September 2022 with 27 stab wounds. The act happened in Frankfurt’s Gallus district, where they had met.

The 41-year-old woman was also injured several times by the knife. A stab severed the arm muscles to the bone. The 42-year-old was arrested shortly after the crime and taken into custody. He has not yet commented on the allegations, said Niesen on Friday.

The relationship between the alleged perpetrator and the woman had been shaped by the man’s jealousy and temporary separations for a long time. For fear of the man’s readiness to use violence, however, the woman could not decide on a final break. Hearing dates before the jury court chamber of the district court in Frankfurt have not yet been set.