Gießen/Marburg (dpa/lhe) – The negotiations about the future of the privatized university hospital in Gießen and Marburg (UKGM) are apparently close to a successful conclusion. In the talks, the state of Hesse, Rhön Klinikum AG and UKGM had achieved a breakthrough in order to conclude a new future paper on further cooperation and to secure the investment needs of UKGM for the next ten years, according to a joint statement on Monday: “We are confident that we have now clarified all key points in order to be able to translate them into a contractual agreement by the end of January.” For the time being, the existing agreements are to be extended until the end of February.

The state and the majority owner, Rhön-Klinikum AG, which belongs to the Asklepios Group, have been negotiating the further development and financial resources of the UKGM for months. The main points are state subsidies for investments and the waiver of redundancies for operational reasons. The background to the talks is that Rhön had terminated a previous so-called future agreement for the UKGM. The regulations and agreements between the state and the group that were lashed down there would have expired at the end of the year.

With the announced agreement, in good time before Christmas, all employees are given a clear signal to secure the clinic in the areas of patient care and research and teaching, explained Science Minister Angela Dorn (Greens), Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg (CDU) as well as UKGM and Rhön Klinikum: “Land and UKGM want to invest at least 800 million euros in the Gießen and Marburg locations over the next ten years in order to guarantee optimal health care for the people in the region, the quality of research and teaching as well as job security. to refrain from redundancies and the spin-off of parts of the business.The parties are now working flat out to update the contracts.