HIT, the series of the 1 that deals with issues related to adolescence and education, premiered its second season yesterday.
The past edition has already raised stir on the topics that it is about (Bullying, sex, self-telephones …) and in this delivery it will not be left behind.

The first episode melapela is a statement of intentions.
Professor Hugo Ibarra Toledo, played by Daniel Grao, leaves his comfort zone and faces a great challenge: an experimental plan (to the unorthodox style of him) at the IES León Felipe, of Puertollano.
Matt, Carmen, Chelo, Teo, Paula, Román, Lucia, Dan, and Jota are the new students of Hit.
The group studies a degree of basic professional training, which for some of the professors of the Center, is the last opportunity for young people without hope and without expectations that have failed in their school stage.
That is, they charge a stigma that labels them.

Daniel Grao has before him the mission of winning the battle to disenchantment, but his reception is disastrous.
He will try to attract them, as always, with unconventional techniques, as flavor candies melapela so that adolescents go to the Melapone group.

As in the last season, in Hit there will be sentimental plots.
One of them stars Hugo Ibarra himself, whose connection with the school bus driver, Francis (interpreted by Marta Larralde), is immediate.
We will see what it is.
In addition, in each chapter of HIT you will see the teacher in a church, where the funeral of one of the students is celebrated.
Who will he be?
The intrigue is served.

Hit will put on the table the problems that concern adolescents.
In this second installment repeat format with a subsequent debate the problems that most concern adolescents at the institute and out of it.
That’s why, following the wake of Who Edua Who?, Who in the past edition presented Mamen Asencio, on this occasion Inés Hernand will do the same from Puertollano with HIT generation, the Late Night that will address some of the topics covered in that chapter
of the series.