Historically, all real estate agencies have charged for selling a commission to the owner who ranges between 3% and 7% of the value of the property.
But for a few years there is an alternative proposal of agencies that ensure they do not charge commissions.
Experts from the HelpmyCash.com real estate comparator explain, however, that does not mean they are free.
Actually, it refers to that they charge fixed rates for the sale of housing that become up to 80% cheaper than traditional fees.
But do you really come out?, How much do they charge for your services?

In general, there are two proposals in the real estate market online: the payment at the beginning and the payment for success.
In the first, the fees are quite cheaper, but they are paid as soon as the real estate is contracted.
In the second, the rates are paid, in general, at the time of the signature of the arras.

“The online agencies that work with prepaid plans usually charge between 1,000 and 2,000 euros for the real estate intermediation,” explains the experts of the comparator.
This option is the cheapest in the market, but it should be taken into account that the payment at the beginning does not ensure the sale of the property.
Therefore, if the operation does not reach a good port, the owner will have paid without selling the home.

Postpay or payment rate rates, on the other hand, have a cost that ranges between 2,000 and 8,000 euros, depending on the price of housing.
Thus, if you want to sell an apartment of 380,000 euros, a prepayment rate Low Cost could come out about 1,500 euros.
While a postpaid fee, for example, with the Housfy online real estate, it would leave around 4,490 euros.
If compared with the traditional agencies fees, which would charge between 11,400 and 26,600 euros, it can be seen that the online ones are, in fact, cheaper.
But they do not include the same services.

The price is not everything when choosing an agency.
“Our advice is to evaluate the relationship between the cost and services of the owner,” they assure from Helpmycash.
And is that the basic plans of online real estate, whose costs have been mentioned in this article, include services such as appraisal, professional photographs, creation and publication of the announcement, the management of information requests, the visiting agenda,
Negotiation with the buyer, the drafting of the arras and many other things.
But, in general, you do not include visits or the management of some documents, such as the habitability and the energy certificate.

“The habitability card is not mandatory throughout Spain, and the energy certificate often is not necessary because it is still valid,” explains experts.
However, if the owner needs them, he can contract them separately.
Approximately, the document packs, which include both procedures, can cost between 200 and 400 euros.
While the visiting service ranges between 1,000 and 3,600 euros.

Even by adding these packs, in many cases (but not all) the rates continue to be lower than the commissions of traditional agencies.
If the previous example is retouched, for an apartment of 380,000, the service of an online agency with its postpaid plan could cost about 8,490 euros, while the traditional real estate commission would oscillate between 11,400 and 26,600.

“We advise comparison real estate and request information to both an online agency and a traditional before making a decision,” ensure from HelpmyCash.
And is that, in addition to the price and services, each type of agency points to a different audience.
In the case of the online, the seller’s profile is that of someone who feels comfortable communicating with the agent of him through the Internet or by phone.
In addition, in case of inheritance or divorces that are not yet resolved and require legal advice, the fees of these real estate could increase.