He is one of the few candidates from the Democratic camp to have already officially entered the race for the 2024 American presidential election. Robert Kennedy Jr, in front of his supporters in Boston.

The 60-year-old, whose chances of success are limited, is the son of former Democratic justice minister and presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968, but also the nephew of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, killed five years earlier.

A lawyer specializing in environmental issues, he has been known since 2005 for spreading conspiracy theories on vaccines, in particular linking autism to one of their components. In the crowd at his meeting, several of his activists wore anti-vaccine caps.

Finally Telling “The Truth to the American People”

During this rally, organized in the state of Massachusetts – the stronghold of the Kennedy family – he pledged to “end the divisions” which corrode the United States, by finally telling “the truth to the American people”.

For now, the Democratic camp is frozen pending President Joe Biden’s decision. At 80, the tenant of the White House claims to have “the intention” to run for a second term, but has not yet formalized his entry into the campaign.