The 2022-2023 Income campaign is already underway for all taxpayers required to present document 100 corresponding to their personal income tax from last year.

An obligation before the Tax Agency to which both those who entered more than 22,000 euros in 2022 and those who had two payers above 14,000 euros must be added. A conditional action if the second payer, or if he had one more, exceeded the amount of 1,500 euros.

Remember that the increase in the threshold to 15,000 euros with two payers for not presenting the Income, approved by the Government, will come into force in next year’s income.

On the other hand, you will have until June 30 to confirm or modify the draft of your statement online.

The Tax Agency expects to receive almost 23 million statements in this edition, of which 60% will have a negative result or return.

This income is made by the Treasury a few days after confirming the draft, although it has a term until the end of the year.

The first step to complete the income statement is to obtain the tax data.

Within the Tax Agency website, the taxpayer must digitally identify himself with the Cl@ve PIN, the reference number, the digital certificate or the electronic DNI.

Steps to follow:

To carry out and confirm the Income statement, you must complete the documentation through a computer or tablet with updated antivirus protection. However, you can also use the Tax Agency app to obtain the reference number.

If you need to consult the tax data of a previous year, you can also access it from the “Previous years” section and select the corresponding year in a comfortable way.

The Tax Agency app is available on both Android and iOS.

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