French President Emmanuel Macron agreed today with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish President Andrezj Duda to continue maintaining and intensifying aid to Ukraine “for as long as necessary” so that it can sustain the war effort of its counter-offensive and it “is a success”.

Macron recalled that this operation “which began several days ago” and which “will take place over the next few weeks or months” has been prepared “with care and method thanks to the determination and organization (of Ukraine) and its tactical excellence”. Macron has confirmed that the three countries have “done everything possible” to support it, within “the limits set from the beginning” of the war: help Kiev defend itself, avoiding any form of escalation and without Ukraine attacking Russia.

“We want this counter-offensive to be as successful as possible so that we can then open a negotiation phase in the best conditions,” the Polish president said. For Macron, this war “is already a strategic and military failure for Russia.” “We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary (…) This union constitutes our strength and Russia did not expect this, it underestimates it when it decides to make the decision to attack,” said the German chancellor.

The three countries have met within the so-called Weimar triangle, a framework for trilateral meetings that was created in the 1990s to strengthen the alliance between these countries. “Twenty years ago we talked about the new Europe and the old Europe. Today we are united voluntarily, because the victory of Ukraine is our common project, that of peace for the continent”, the French president pointed out.

The leaders appeared at a press conference at the Élysée before holding a working dinner where they discussed how to coordinate aid at this key moment in the war. Also to jointly prepare the next international meetings, the European Council at the end of the month and the NATO summit that will take place in mid-July, and in which Kiev’s possible entry into NATO will be addressed, a point at which the Polish president made special emphasis.

“The most important thing now is to be able to give the news that Ukraine is waiting for, a clear sign, which is to belong to NATO. It is the great hope of the Ukrainian community. It is something that is under discussion and we are waiting for this autumn summit for this membership is clear, visible,” said Duda.

The last time the three leaders met was at the security conference in Munich last February. Macron had also received Scholz in January at the Élysée. Kiev’s allies have mainly sent armored vehicles – both tanks and troop transport vehicles so that Ukraine can carry out its counteroffensive – artillery (cannons) so that it could match Russia’s firepower, and missiles to crush its long-distance logistics . During the last visit of Volodomir Zelenski to Italy, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, they also promised to train fighter pilots for an eventual delivery of fighters, which has not yet been decided.

Precisely this Thursday, the military programming law, which plans to increase historical military spending, of 413,000 million euros, reaches the French Senate. The Polish president stressed that increasing military spending “in Europe has shown that it is necessary at this time.”

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