On Tuesday, Alsace saw a major gendarmerie operation in conjunction with the national counter-terrorist prosecutor’s bureau. Five people were targeted for being part of “the ultra-right” movement.

According to our colleagues at the Latest News from Alsace, the operation took place simultaneously in multiple locations in the Bas-Rhin as well as in the Haut-Rhin. Five people were targeted, four in Haut-Rhin and one Bas-Rhin. A source who is familiar with the matter said that magazines and submachine guns were seized. However, neither the Haut-Rhin prefecture or this source provided any details as to whether arrests were made.

The prefecture stated that “these checks and this action relate the acquisition and illegally possessing weapons by individuals connected to the ultra-right movements”. According to AFP, a source familiar with the matter said that telephones and other media were also taken. This will help determine if an act was planned.

This operation involved 200 gendarmes representing the Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, and Strasbourg research sections. They were supported by the national gendarmerie interventions group (GIGN), and assisted by specialized resources.

After intelligence work, the General Directorate of Internal Security initiated this operation.