The discomfort in the Civil Guard after the Government’s agreements with Junts and the PNV is growing. After yesterday, the Ministry of the Interior led by Fernando Grande-Marlaska initiated proceedings against an association (Aprogc) for showing its willingness “to shed its blood in defense of the Constitution”, today five other associations with representation in the Armed Institute raise also the voice. and all to make it clear that they are there to “defend the Constitution.” And all of them, to position themselves against Pedro Sánchez’s political agreements and against the amnesty.

And so they have signed a joint document in which the representative associations of the Civil Guard “want to convey to Spanish society our absolute respect and defense of the Constitution, the Rule of Law and the separation of powers, along with our unwavering loyalty to the King “.

They remember the decalogue two of the Civil Guard and the Constitution: “My first duty is to defend Spain, guarding and ensuring that the Constitution and the laws are kept, with loyalty to the King.”

The guard associations clearly declare themselves against the amnesty agreed between Pedro Sánchez and Puigdemont. “After becoming aware of the document signed on November 9, 2023 of the agreement of the Amnesty Law, which contemplates the possibility of establishing investigation commissions by the political power on the judicial actions and therefore of the Forces and Corps of Security in its capacity as Judicial Police, showing our rejection of this measure because it is an attack on the waterline of Judicial Independence, which violates the Separation of Powers, the basic pillar of a State of Law.”

“The Civil Guards feel that we are being used as a bargaining chip in the negotiations to form a Government and this will have serious permanent consequences for the security of the citizens. The Civil Guard was already losing influence and now it is intended that it lose powers and expel its members. civil guards and their families from the Basque Country and Catalonia, an issue that the representative associations of the Civil Guard are not willing to tolerate,” the note adds.

The civil guards who subscribe to the note “want to express that having learned of the agreements signed between PSOE and the pro-independence forces for the investiture, we observe with great concern how they intend to inject significant financial amounts into the regional police forces, and are subject to the loss of powers of the Civil Guard. Due to the above, by virtue of Organic Law 2/86, of March 13, on Security Forces and Bodies: ‘Their function will be exercised with absolute respect for the Constitution and the rest of the legal system'”, concludes the statement signed by Ases GC, AEGC, Jucil, Union of Officers, Association of Capes. The only thing left to sign this statement is the Unified Association of the Civil Guard, whose leadership ranks included Juan Antonio Delgado, former national deputy of Podemos and current regional deputy in Andalusia.